Learning is so much more fun with our new Volunteer Marie!!

12 January 2010

Marie-Louise became part of Pardada Pardadi last December. She is from Washington, D.C, U.S.A.

How excited was Marie to be at Pardada Pardadi??

Well very as she also volunteered to spend her Christmas with the girls breaking literally the custom of celebrating it with her family that she’s been doing so ritualistically since a little child in the U.S. And she has no regrets as last Christmas with PPES was one of her best!

This is Marie’s story so far…..

“Having lived in the U.S and other parts of the West since birth, it always fascinated me how learning took place in parts of the world remarkably different from mine. My last educational program at Honduras, Central America guided me to do similar work at a rural setting and Pardada Pardadi was no doubt one stop!!

I was clear to be part of academic training of the Pardada Pardadi kids and teachers in English language. I was keen to start my lessons with the youngest students (the Prep class at Pardada Pardadi) as their minds are still untouched by traditional ways of teaching.

On the first day of my class I was waiting eagerly to take the kids through a joy ride of learning… and the results were obvious in the most glittering smiles the kids had on their faces when we started jumping and circling around the class.

I have taught the “prep” class at PPES for about two weeks.

My approach in the classes has been to lead a Student Centered Lesson. Children are constantly asked to act things out, repeat words, sing songs, and problem solve. Children at this age are very active and learn best by getting up and doing things.

For instance, when taught the word “circle”, students were asked to form circles with their hands. They were also asked to create a circle themselves by holding hands with all of their friends.

Songs are always an excellent method of teaching children. It captures their attention, makes the lesson fun, and ensures greater results. The students have been learning the days of the week through a song. During the song they are asked to stand up and clap their hands. They are very responsive to this method.

It’s been an amazing experience so far. The kids look so eager to learn a new concept each day as they associate it with fun and play. This is one of the best motivators for little kids to learn. Learning is another exercise of game that they thoroughly enjoy.

I can readily gauge the excitement in their eyes when I enter the class. The students at Pardada Pardadi are an amazing bunch of kids. It didn’t take them long to include me as part of their class… I think the ice breaker has been the fact that they relate me more to someone who is there to play with them then teach A, B, C, D….

I am having a great time at Pardada Pardadi surrounded by the kids I adore so much!


Camp Excell said...

Sounds like a perfect match- a caring teacher and motivated kids- go, Marie!

EO said...

Marie - tell us more about some of your kids and experiences in the village.